A United Voice For Western Canada’s Agriculture Network
Since 2012, the Sustainable Food Alliance of BC has been a voice for the agri-food sector, and a means for our members to participate in constructive dialogue with government decision-makers. We represent poultry, egg, dairy, fish, beef, pork and canola producers – plus processors who keep our industry circular and sustainable. Our members support thousands of jobs. We are united by a common mission to uphold a strong and resilient agriculture network that supports the long-term sustainability and economic viability of our entire region. We don’t just grow the food you eat. We also divert waste from landfills, keep food prices down through a circular value chain that reduces waste, and support climate change targets through innovation in renewable fuels.
Learn about a strategic land-use issue that is putting our sector at risk
Today, more than ever, we’re counting on local farmers and processors to put healthy food on the table. Unfortunately, a critical part of our agricultural network is now at risk due to competing land-use priorities.
Sustainable Local Food supply
Together, Alliance members are significant contributors to a sustainable local food system, the safe reduction of waste, and thriving local economies.